Upcoming Events

January 6-9, 2022: Joint Mathematical Meeting (JMM), Seattle, WA.

May-August 2021: Internship with Sorocco, Boston, MA.

July 14-28, 2021: Teaching "A Closer Look at Infinity" at Summer@Brown, Providence, RI.

Selected Past Events

September 25, 2019: Presentation for elementary school students on "Creating Art with Math", Waltham, MA.

July 8-12, 2019: Teaching a high school course titled A Closer Look at Infinity with Logic Puzzles, Summer@Brown Program, Providence, RI.

July 15-Aug 2, 2019: Teaching a high school course titled Artificial Intelligence: Modeling Human Intelligence with Networks, Summer@Brown Program, Providence, RI.

June 17-28, 2019: Attending Gene Golub SIAM Summer School on High Performance Data Analytics, Aussois, France.

May 2, 2019: Message Passing Algorithms in Image Analysis, Invited talk at Math Slam, Brown University, Providence, RI.

April 30, 2019: Weighted Belief Propagation in the Max-Product Algorithm, Poster at Optimization Methods in Computer Vision and Imaging Convergence, ICERM, Providence, RI.

April 6, 2019: Convergent Message Passing Algorithms for Probabilistic Inference in Graphical Models, Contributed Talk at Applied Math Days, Rensselar Polytechnical Institue, Troy, NY.

Research Group - Prof. Pedro, Marilyn, Anna, Jeova